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Mad Cool 2024 dates and location now confirmed

11 October 20231 min read

Mad Cool 2024

After the numerous problems that occurred during last July’s edition and the recent changes in the ownership of the management company that organises the festival, Mad Cool has announced the dates and location of the 2024 edition via its social media profiles.

Although it was initially announced that the festival would take place over 3 days, the latest information from the organisers confirms that Mad Cool 2024 will take place from the 10th to the 13th of July at the Iberdrola Music venue in Getafe. The confirmation shows the organisation’s confidence in a venue that this year has experienced significant access issues, problems with the layout of the site and even noise complaints that resulted in the festival being fined 22,000 euros by the local council.

Juanje Gregori

Lo mismo me ves tirando fotos en el foso de un concierto que corriendo una media maratón al día siguiente. ¡¡Ahh, y en los días laborables, intentando que mis alumnos de informática aprendan algo!!


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