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Kasabian, Sonorama Ribera Day 2024’s first big name

22 March 20241 min read

After almost two months without any news about Sonorama Ribera Day, we have finally met the first member of the line-up. As promised by the organisers, the festival would feature the biggest names in international and Spanish indie music, and Leicester’s Kasabian more than fulfil these requirements as the first name announced for Sonorama Ribera Day 2024.

The British band, now led by Serge Pizzorno following the departure of Tom Meighan for violence against his girlfriend, are likely to present their long-awaited new album and offer their second concert in Spain in the Cantabrian capital, after being confirmed a few days ago for the Cruïlla 2024 festival, to be held in Barcelona in the second week of July.

Tickets for Sonorama Ribera Day, to be held in Santander on the 24th of August, are now on sale at the festival’s official website or at, at a price of €39 (+ booking fee) for general admission tickets and €65 (+ booking fee) for VIP tickets.

Sonorama Ribera Day 2024 Kasabian

Angela Marcilla

Apasionada de los vinilos y los casettes, me encontrarás en la primera fila de cualquier concierto. Eso si, si tienes que algo que objetar sobre Pearl Jam o Nudozurdo, mejor que lo hablemos con una buena cena de por medio...


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