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Metric – 20th October 2015 (Paradiso – Amsterdam)

21 October 20153 min read

With their newly released album Pagans in Vegas under their arms, the Canadian Metric reached Paradiso room in Amsterdam as one of the final stops of their European tour. Before a room that had a good attendance (surprising that were not enabled the upper floors), the Toronto guys offered for about 90 minutes a show in which it highlighted a spectacular set of lights and musically had more downs than ups.

Emily Haines Metric AmsterdamThe concert began with a high pace, held on the two succesfull tracks from their new album, "Lie lie lie" and "Fortunates", and the spectacular staging of Emily Haines with a jacket simulating the plumage of a peacock. After getting rid of the colorful outfit, it come the time of two of their most famous hits "Youth Without Youth" and "Help I'm Alive", with whom showed an overwhelming force, supported mainly in the rhythms of the drums and the shrill voice of her singer. When everything seemed to go from strength to strength for the band, the level and intensity decayed exponentially, exposing an empty show in which the songs seemed eternally extended by endlessly repeated choruses and nonsense screams by Emily Haines, what which wiped out the intermediate part of the show in which were some of the best songs of Fantasies.

James Shaw Metric AmsterdamEvery time the show seemed to return to the initial levels, as "Black Sheep" or a superb "Monster Hospital", the band itself was responsible for squandering with some unnecessary hiatus favored by longs talks or disastrous cappella version of the central part of "Combat Baby". Luckily the last 20 minutes of the concert were again wit the strength of the initial moments, and thanks to a greater presence of James Shaw's guitar, we could enjoy the more rock side of the band. With a closure including "Gold Guns Girls" and "The Shade", the group re-enlistment the public to some encores that despite having a failed intro (both "Empty" and "Celebrate" must be started twice due to failure of coordination between instruments and voice), They served as warm up for a correct acoustic version of the danceable "Gimme Sympathy" and the  final walkabout with "Breathing Underwater", song that the audience sang the chorus multiple times until the room lights were turned on to announce the end of the concert.

Victor Ramos

Fanático de la música desde que mis padres me ponían a Eydie Gorme y Los Panchos o el Discotuna por la A2. Intenté tocar varios instrumentos, pero soy muy torpe con la mano izquierda, así que ya sabéis el resultado final. Fan del britpop, Post-punk, el rugby y el baloncesto...


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