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London Calling November 2014 – 1st November 2014 (Paradiso – Amsterdam)

9 November 20149 min read

After the first day somewhat watered, it was the time of so-called heavyweight performances by the veterans Spoon and Sebadoh, and the gig of expected Australian Josef Salvat, one of the great revelations of the 2014.

Fever The Ghost - London calling november 2014

Sebadoh were responsible for opening the big stage on the second day and the concert can only be described as disappointing. Sound problems present in nearly all songs, which caused breaks between tracks, got the feel of a concert that never managed to start, to which was attaching a visible reluctance and apathy on part of the band. Even the presence of Lou Barlow on vocals during the final part of the show and an apology with the phrase "We're not any good at festivals" stopped the disbanding of the public towards the other scenario, possibly because from a band with the baggage and experience of Sebadoh is expected a professionalism that on their performance in London Calling conspicuous by their absence. As collateral damage of their show,  the small room had an absolute plenty for the eclectic Australian DD Dumbo, with an unclassifiable style which was well received in the opening moments of his show. With a 12-string guitar and recording the rhythm throughout the song will sound and a unique voice that constantly change (from Thom Yorke to Bono in seconds), the show runs like a roller coaster whose algid moments where those in which the artist handles two drums percussion, but on some moments there is an apparent disconnect with the public..

DD Dumbo - London calling november 2014

Again downstairs were time for Londoners The Mispers, who offered a wild show and probably chaotic guided by their "jumpy" singer. In the first songs the group showed a disturbing disorder, which is only slightly arranged when violinist Hannah van den Brul had a greater presence in the songs, so overall their show turned out quite dispensable, highlighting only a few topics like "Brothers" or "Shoulder". Luckily that disappointment was quickly corrected minutes later with who was probably the best show of the festival, hosted by the Americans Fever the Ghost in the kleine zaal. Regardless of their fantastic scene, which surprised most of the public banded because of the veil with which the singer Casper Indrizzo came on stage, the band offered a more remarkable gig showing their Glam Noise style supported by synthesizers and the peculiar distorted voice their leader. Halfway through the concert, and with the singer unveiled, the sound of the band turned to an increased presence of keyboards and effects offering a style that recalls the best MGMT.

The Mispers - London Calling November 2014

To our luck, the high level was maintained with the spectacle offered by Josef Salvat, that before an enthusiastic audience gave a very similar show than the one we saw in the past Lowlands. His voice and emotion surprised at first, but after a few moments the show dwindles as the weight of the show rests with the singer himself, so in a winner coup by the Australian, a greater presence of his band are thanked at the second half of the concert. With the balance achieved through certain rhythms that bring us the best post-dubstep of James Blake, the proposal increases to achieve the unanimous applause and the feeling that once he will finding that excellent level from the beginning, we will have a fabulous show. One advantage of the hit of Josef Salvat was to enjoy Nimmo And The Gauntletts with less numerous crowd than it used on the small hall , due to for several minutes the London quintet coincided with the show from the main hall. Despite the technical problems, the young English offered an attractive spectacle from the second one, based on the genius of Reva Gauntlett from synthesizers that they manage to create a sound that lies somewhere between Chvrches, London Grammar and Yazoo. After their successful EP Others, we can only wait now the launching of their first LP to confirm all good things seen live.

Nimmo and the Gauntletts - London calling november 2014

Although undoubtedly the biggest cyclone lived in the two-day festival was the big headliner of this year, the Texans Spoon. Before an enthusiastic audience, the Americans offered a rounded concert in which we could enjoy the stunning voice of Britt Daniel, that together with a powerful riff departed from the guitars of Alex Fischel, was the leitmotiv of a show that had moments more rockers and even some slow songs. For when sounded their big hit "I turn my camera on" , the audience was already surrendered, so it is not surprising that once finished the repertoire, the band had to return to play up to 4 songs (the last one chosen by a spectator on the 2nd row), putting the icing on a cake as tasty and receiving a standing and deserved ovation. The final concert of the festival was handled by Shura, in what came to be a trend of the day , she did not disappoint. With a style reminiscent of 80's at times to Madonna and Cindy Lauper in her more emotional side, it wasl a shame that some viewers may not be able to enjoy minimally quiet as her proposal deserves. Despite that, we still have the time and inclination to enjoy "Touch", the song that has boosted her to popularity and was one of the great songs of the festival. The end of the party would come with a balanced session by Kill All Hipsters, full of successes of the past 3 decades, which made the public dance which curiously opted for the latest hits of the misnamed indietronics against the classics. As a curiosity, note that among the enthusiastic dancers of classics like "Hey Ho Let's Go" by Ramones were Ruben Block and Mario Goossens of Triggerfinger, who dressed in an impeccable pinstripe suit did not stop dancing on the side of the room.

Spoon - London calling November 2014

Thus, new success of public of this edition of November 2014 in which the day on Saturday won by a mile to Friday despite the fiasco of one of the headliners like Sebadoh. However the confirmation of Spoon as a band capable of filling any medium sized room or discovery of Fever The Ghost, Nimmo And The Gauntletts or DMA's still giving a great sense of this amazing festival that every year delights us with a new proposal and names that point to the agenda. When in a few years you wonder why you recognized the band that now plays at major festivals, the response in 90% of cases will be "Sure, those we saw in the London Calling". So goodbye London Calling 2014..It is less for London Calling 2015!

Victor Ramos

Fanático de la música desde que mis padres me ponían a Eydie Gorme y Los Panchos o el Discotuna por la A2. Intenté tocar varios instrumentos, pero soy muy torpe con la mano izquierda, así que ya sabéis el resultado final. Fan del britpop, Post-punk, el rugby y el baloncesto...


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