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King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Flying Microtonal Banana (2017)

10 March 20172 min read

King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Flying microtonal banana

The Australians King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard have presented us what they say that will be the first of the five albums scheduled for this year, Flying Microtonal Banana, ninth of their career since their debut in 2012.. Disproportionate incontinence on the musical side? Not at all, the band shares their productivity without losing creativity or quality, but also without resting between each album, although this causes us to pile up the number of albums to review.

The album is played with instruments modified to get "microtones" (micro-tones are the notes that are found when creating intervals smaller than with semitones) that has existed since old-days in non-Western world music. Driven by other instruments that sound very oriental and the complex rhythms of two drum sets, the songs are chained together as in their frenetic predecessor Nonagon Infinity, defined by themselves as an album to enjoy on loop.

Flying Microtonal Banana is a intense solid album, with a lot of changes pace, who plays with musical hypnosis and psychedelia.. The long duration of several tracks can make it dense, although the final result is not in this way, thanks to the creation of fantastic oneiric atmospheres. King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard don’t cease to surprise us with their particular and arduous vision of the music, full of desire for evolution based on instrumental and vocal experimentation. So, it’s time to start with their dizzying "Rattlesnake" and let's get get swept up by this incredible album…

Angela Marcilla

Apasionada de los vinilos y los casettes, me encontrarás en la primera fila de cualquier concierto. Eso si, si tienes que algo que objetar sobre Pearl Jam o Nudozurdo, mejor que lo hablemos con una buena cena de por medio...


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