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  • 7 August 2014By Javier

    Third day of Arenal Sound 2014 provided us pleasant surprises as Russian Red or Buraka Son Sistema gigs, and other less like Placebo concert. Russian Red gave a great concert, where besides present her latest album with songs like "Michael P, John Michael" or "Casper", gave an overview of their best songs, but changing the folk

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  • 6 August 2014By Javier

    The second day of the Arenal Sound began with Galician Triángulo de Amor Bizarro, who we'd seen recently at Low Festival nor let us down in this live, being even better than Benidorm, but with a schedule that is not fair for they. No shortage songs from Año Santo or Victoria Mística  as "Estrellas Místicas"

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  • 2 August 2014By Javier

    Fith edition of Arenal Sound started for us with the surprise of La Pegatina being in care of opening the Desperados stafe. Catalan group drawed a lot of attendance, despite their samey style and although Santi Balmes tried to help they playing live the song that they have recorded together. This doesn't meant that the

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  • 25 February 2014By Javier

    British Fanfarlo were for second time in a couple of years at Espai Rambleta in Valencia, although this time they were on the auditorium to present their last job Let´s Go Extinct. Lilies on Mars were the band in charge of opening the night during all european Fanfarlo's tour. With some delay, the beginning of the show atonished the few people that

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  • 9 January 2014By Javier

    Acclaimed U.S. Coachella festival has unveiled what will be the lineup of the 2014 edition. As big headliners highlighted Outkast, Muse and Arcade Fire, but there are also gems like Haim, Queens of The Stone Age, Mogwai, Foster The People, Bombay Bicycle Club and more spectacular artists during the two editions of the festival, one on the weekend 11 to 13 April,

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  • 3 January 2014By Javier

    Arenal Sound Festival has confirmed through his Instagram account @ arenal_sound the British band led by Sebastian Pringle, Crystal Fighters, who will join back Arenal Sound in the year of the fifth anniversary of the festival. In their second album "Cave Rave", which was released in late May 2013, the band returns to be inspired by the traditional music

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  • 2 January 2014By Javier

    After "Torches", a pretty decent first job of the american band Foster The People, some news have been talking about a possible new LP. Mark Foster himself had already announced new album for  2014, but to corroborate this, yesterday they premiered on the official YouTube channel of the group a 45 seconds video which is probably part of the new material from his upcoming album.

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