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Arctic Monkeys – AM (2013)

24 December 20131 min read

Can someone be mature at 27 ?

When you hear the last work from the guys of Alex Turner, Arctic Monkeys , you realize that you are probably listening to the most complete album of his career, which also seem to do an exercise of self compliation, playing all styles that have proven in his short but promising history to date. From the freshness of her debut Whatever People Say I Am, That 's What I'm Not until his rocker album Suck it and see, AM is proof that if you learn well of your mistakes, you don’t need to reinvent yourself as other bands do.

The beginning of the album is overwhelming, with "Do I Wanna Know ?" That reminds us a lot of "Crying Lightning" from his third album, "R U Mine?" , the elegant "One For The Road" and "Arabella" with a style near extinct The White Stripes. The rythm fell slightly with "I Want It All" and "No. 1 Party Anthem" , and then show us other gems as "Fireside" or "Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?". Although songs with a coolest drumbeat rythms as in "Dancing Shoes" are missed , AM is an all purpose to become classic, and songs like "R U Mine?" justify this.

Victor Ramos

Fanático de la música desde que mis padres me ponían a Eydie Gorme y Los Panchos o el Discotuna por la A2. Intenté tocar varios instrumentos, pero soy muy torpe con la mano izquierda, así que ya sabéis el resultado final. Fan del britpop, Post-punk, el rugby y el baloncesto...

Tagged In:#Arctic Monkeys,
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